And the Grand Total Is…

Every year, NATP chooses an organization to be the recipient of its Conference Charity Drive. It’s our way of saying “thank you” to our host city. This year, NATP selected the Angel Kiss Foundation, a Reno-based charity dedicated to helping all families of children with cancer in northern Nevada and the eastern Sierra by providing immediate and continuing financial assistance and emotional support. During the week of Conference, attendees contributed to the cause by participating in the Charity Auction and the Chapter Showcase Raffle and by placing donations into the “collection basket.”

Each year, we are amazed at the generosity of our attendees. This year was no exception. We’re proud to announce a new record in funds raised… a whopping $14,221.50! Thank you, thank you, thank you to all who contributed!! For more information on the Angel Kiss Foundation, visit their website at

P.S. Additional funds were received after the check presentation to Angel Kiss Foundation, which brought the total to $14,294.45!

Julie Tholl DeJan, Executive Director of the Angel Kiss Foundation, accepts a check for $14,221.50 from NATP Board Member, Barbara Steponkus.

Julie Tholl DeJan, Executive Director of the Angel Kiss Foundation, accepts a check for $14,221.50 from NATP Board Member, Barbara Steponkus.

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